Julia Sokolnicka



Captcha Festival Symposium and workshops

I was invited by the Mannheim Design Academy to prepare a workshop on their 2020 topic HABITAT. It’s a student festival organized and prepared completely by the students, which is a great addiction to German art education. I always enjoy student festivals because they are fair and very fresh. I also decided to go to Cologne where I met with the members of Gruppe 5- Moritz Tontsch, Conrad Wisse and Finn Steffens, and also Dannish/British designer Agnette Morelle who joined from London. We were also joined by designer Raffael Kormann. It only proves of how connected we felt through the curation and topics to meet in the real life and spend some time together in Conrad’s apartment in Cologne. We had hot discussions on technology and physical vs digital space, data sovereignty, design thinking and art, We visited the Dusseldorf and Cologne art weekend together and created an online exhibition for the workshop participants. Here a full list of workshop leaders.


The festival was curated and organized by amazing team of young designers and musicians: Wibke Hauck, Selim Kocaaydin, Delila Lenz, Katharina Lott, Benjamin Şahin.


 Big Thanks to them!

Here you can see me talking about the Archive – my most precious topic recently, but also about the concept of time and editing as thinking (more or less). Also – mentioning Artistic Research 🙂

I’m at 2:19

The workshop I did with wonderful artists from all around the world was entitled „Personal Archive Narrative”. It took a bit of my experiences with working on personal and project archives, artistic research in film methodologies that I developed through my own practice and it incorporated elements of writing, editing and image opening techniques. 


The participants will be asked to collect and open up their personal archives. During my introduction, I will explain the concepts of nonlinear time and invite makers (participants) to look at their own creative practice and the traces of creative activity they produce – looking at their personal and professional footage and the activity that surrounds and builds their work. We will discuss the possible timelines and narratives that are informed by understanding of time and storyline. The aim of the workshop will be to create an experimental documentary essay film – it could be an art film of chosen topic, or a research documentation, even a showreel of ones artistic identity. By looking at their own archives participants will be invited to edit their essay using text, voice recording, film editing , animation or any other chosen technique to sketch their presentation. The encouraged tools to be used are a basic video editing software (Final Cut, Premiere etc.) and a recording device (could be a smartphone). The workshop will be divided into assignments and the time for the individual work. Because video editing is time consuming, the participants will be welcome to finish the workshop with a sketch or a script, but if they would like to also finish with a film it would be the perfect form to exhibit.

Thanks to wonderful artists who were part of my workshop: 

Şahika Aslantürk @fluxy_flux_
Alec Baldin @blec1000
Sandra Britz @sandrabritz_
Bariş Gör @bar.is.gor
Yiğit Tanel Kaçar @yigittanelkacar
Sarah Kron @sarahjekr
Annika Lock @annikalock.al.arminpflock
Anna Meide @meideanna
Danny Nedkova @cabbochan
Jonas Otto @woksi123
Lara Ozansoy @laraozansoy
Ozaq Ques @ozaques
Sophia Sanchez
Robert Schönholz @robertschoenholz
Selina Vix @slinaix
Dana Wiegand @daanaa_w
Julia Woll @jewls.a.m

You can take a look at a virtual exhibition here:


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