Julia Sokolnicka

Blog Photography Film

Posts Tagged ‘Dawood Hilmandi’


środa, 29 czerwca, 2016

On June 24-29 2016, the Condition of Possibility exhibition took place in Eye Institute in Amsterdam. It was a graduation show of my Master of Film artistic research MA program, that brought me to Amsterdam and took two exciting years of my life. It was also the most beneficial investment I ever made and and excellent school of life.  I grew artistically in many directions, and finally let myself explore the always awaiting interests. I graduated with two works – Side Roads finished in October 2015 from the materials I brought to Amsterdam from Poland, and a new project that I will continue developing – Digital Nomads.





“Digital Nomads – Live Mixed Film” (2016, 45 min ) explores an inclusive method of conversation, that she developed  and live performance in the cinema in order to establish  contact between the audience and portrayed characters. The protagonists are representatives of a modern international, nomadic, precarious counterculture gathered around the techno music scene. The Mix includes portraits of international metropolitan youth – creatives, cultural activists and members of DYI music scenes in New York, Berlin, and Amsterdam.

It also explores one of her main focuses on communication technologies as space. She positions technology as equal to the “real space” and analyses its relationship with political set-up of of “real space” such us Real Estate, Education and Employment markets and the strategies of the gentrification. The live mixed film also posits the documentary director as an editor of an inclusive archive of personalities.  “Digital Nomads” is an ongoing project. Her next planned exploration is the techno underground in Cairo.

“Side Roads”

2015, 17 min  documentary.

Polish with English subtitles.

Sound Design – Kamila Wójcik

DOP – Mateusz Wołoczko

Editor – Pedro Collantes

Framed and finished during the Master’s program from an archive of conversations with drivers on Polish roads. In this poetic road trip through the rural, winter landscape, the intimate portraits of drivers are juxtaposed with the grotesque architecture. Still frames capture absurd objects and people frozen in reflection over what’s really important.

“Side Roads” was awarded Best Documentary at International Culture Film Festival in Los Angeles, and is now touring  Major Polish Festivals.


Among many wonderful experiences there was one extraordinary benefit that will walk with me from now on. The power of the group.

Here is the list of my amazing collegues, whose paths will cross mine from now on again and again, I am sure of that. I would also like to point out names of Mieke Biernink – the headmaster and the creator of this experimental program, Eyal Sivan, the mastermind behind it’s experimental formula atatched to the idea of being a researcher and archiver – the Fleneur, as we learned at the beginning, and my wonderful mentor Albert Ellings who was my guide and careful spectator of complicated travels of my mind.

The thesis – a part of my graduation and a tracking point of my research can be found here:

The title of my thesis is



Master of Film group 2016


Screen Shot 2016-08-18 at 9.22.08 PM


Or graduation Projects:

Eliane Esther Bots – Home & Tsen-nana
Matteo Canetta– Redenzione
Dawood Hilmandi– A Journey into Zero Space & Dear Bob, Dear Baba
Mikko Keskiivari– Rook

Stanisław Liguziński – Film Arcades

gwen n. – Broken & Teterinskiy Pereulok 14

Anastasija Pirozenko– Syndromes of Mimicry
Mariia Ponomarova– May 9th

Dorian de Rijk – Play the Program
Julia Sokolnicka – Side Roads



As a part of Condition of Posibillity Exposition we were asked to create a visual abstract that would condence the experience of our research in the visual way.

Here is the short and the long version that were screened in the cinema during the Eye Film Festival in June 2016, as well as at the exhibition in ALab Das Arts building.

music by Modest Glesman


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