Julia Sokolnicka
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Posts Tagged ‘art’
LETTERS FROM PANDEMIC text and personal archive video for GOYKI 3
czwartek, 4 czerwca, 2020
I was invited by Weronika Morawiec to create a program for the residency in exquisite art space Goyki 3 Art Inkubator i n the North of Poland – where one of my favourite art scenes is located. I was always gravitating to Gdańsk, and Sopot where most interesting Polish art is coming from, so this residency was a treat. Earlier this year me and Wael el Allouche were presenting in the Goyki 3 temporary art space and now I was supposed to be there for the summer and work on our project together. Sadly the Corona Virus came to Europe and disturbed our plans. But we kept in touch and hopefully we will continue our project in the winter.
For now , our coordinator and amazing organizer, Agnieszka Rek of Art Inkubator, invited to write a piece for the website which is both a great opportunity and a great financial help in this difficult time. It’s amazing to see art institutions really supporting their artists.
We started with publishing our letters from the period of the hardest lockdown which was completely differently executed in Poland and in the Netherlands.
I also made a video using our personal archives from that period.
Tags: agnieszkarek, amsterdam, art, artinkubator, goyki3, goyki3artinkubator, juliasokolnicka, nokscollective, notes, notesfrompandemic, pandemic, sopot, tricity, weramorawiec, weronikamorawiec
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She Dies For you press photos
czwartek, 4 czerwca, 2020
I made photos for my dear friend and an amazing performer Maria Magdalena Kozłowska. She’s graduating with She Dies For You from DAS rTheatre in Amsterdam this year. The doll is work by Dephine Bereski.

Tags: amsterdam, art, das, dastheatre, delphinebereski, juliasokolnicka, mariakozlowksa, mariamagdalenakozlowska, shediesforyou, theatre
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Non-violent revolutions with Wael el Allouche in Sopot
poniedziałek, 2 marca, 2020
During their stay in Sopot – focusing on their existing projects exploring social dependencies, public space movement and non-political social movements – Julia and Wael want to create a leaven for their first joint work in the area of social art. Sopot will become their social observation laboratory, and during each day, as part of an exhibition open to the public, they will meet with residents, showcase selected video works and explore the themes of informal revolutionary movements existing since the 1950s in Sopot.
Coordinator and curator of Inne Rytmy: nonviolent revolutions – Weronika Morawiec.
INNE RYTMY: nonviolent revolutions schedule of events:
20.02.2020 Thursday: official opening of the exhibition in Sopot Centrum at 18:30 (1st floor, opposite Sopot), the projections will be available from 20-22 February.
21.02.2020 Friday: meeting and discussion at the Goyki3 Art Inkubator 18:30
Performer Yuki Nishimura, Bogna Hall doctor of political science and cultural studies and dancer and performer Anna Steller will join the panel discussion
The arrival and stay of artists Wael el Allouche and Julia Sokolnicka is possible thanks to the financial support of Stimuleringsfonds NL. Yuki Nishimura is supported by EU・ジャパンフェスト日本委員会 comitee.
Partners of the event: Goyki3 Art Incubator, Sopot Centrum, Non Iron Group, noks collective & City of Sopot
Here some pictures from the meeting:
Tags: art, artisticresearch, goyki3, juliasokolnicka, muzeumsopot, research, residency, socialart, sopot, sopotcentrum, sopoteka, sopotmuzeum, stimuleringsfonds, waelallouche, weronikamorawiec, yukinishimura
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Digital Nomads in Vensterbank Leiden
piątek, 20 września, 2019
I was invited to be a part of a group show focusing on video works. My work will be a part of Two Thousand Eighty Four exhibition in Vensterbank Leiden, across from Leiden Centraal train station. It’s an artist run art space located in a former Chinese restaurant.
Participating artists:
Johanna Talja
Julia Sokolnicka
Maurice de Rooij
Norbi Kovacs
Tim de Gier
Twentyfivenineteen (artist duo Michelle de Vaan & Ilke van Deventer)
It’s a real pleasure to dive again into the Digital Nomads archive and revisit the old and add the new threads from this gigantic treasury of interviews, lifestyles, philosophies and communal paths.
This time I will show a different mix every day, so prepare for surprises.
The exhibition takes place on the weekends of September 22/22 and 28/29 2019.
Here the Facebook Event:
The show is curated by Karl Karlas.
Here an interview with me on the Vensterbank website.
Julia Sokolnicka
Here a picture of me by Jan Tomza-Osiecki, just when I’m browsing through the Digital Nomads Terabytes in my Amsterdam studio.
Tags: art, artspace, communities, digital nomads, digitalnomads, documentary, experimentavideo, film, juliasokolnicka, karlkarlas, leiden, marissakarlas, show, vensterbank, videoart
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ON AIRS project launch
piątek, 26 maja, 2017
In a collaboration with photographer Vera Duivenvoorden and graphic designer Paul Stümpel we created an ON AIRs project, that aims to document the Art Residencies, starting with the one that we met at – WOW art residency in Amsterdam.
Here is the link to the website we created in order to later move to a printed version of the project:
Our goal is to spread the concept of observing the peculiarities of living /working spaces as such into different institutions. We aim on grasping the temporality and intense creative atmosphere that is an outcome of it, framed into the specific space.
The Artist in Residence magazine
By Vera Duivenvoorden, Paul Stümpel, Julia Sokolnicka
AIRs. Who are they? Or: who are we, because ON AIRS is a project about us, made by us.
AIR is short for Artist in Residence. A residency is a formal way of giving artists temporary housing or work-space to help them develop projects. The residency can be in the form of a scholarship, but it can take other shapes too. Increasingly, residencies around the world are paid for by the artists themselves – both in art schools and institutions providing the artist with education, curatorial support or studio space, and in housing/studio facilities allowing artists to re-locate to inspiring spaces or hubs for networking and professional development.
As fast as the art world grows, the earth shrinks and big cities, such as Amsterdam, are undergoing rapid metamorphoses. A city’s culture is closely connected to its artists – some would say the barometer and critical force of change. Gentrification and the residential aspect of art practice are inextricably linked.
ON AIRS focuses on different aspects of temporality of the residency. At WOW we interviewed our neighbours and friends, as this is where we met and worked together. WOW is special for many reasons. Founded together with the city council as a ‘Broedplaats’ (art factory), it also houses a hostel, the proceeds of which support the structure as a whole. WOW is also one of the largest residences, hosting around 50 artists of different ages, nationalities and career goals.
What interested us in ON AIRS is how we are all very different but work within the same parameters: two years at WOW, in identical spaces in a modernist building, the former polytechnic. Especially the spaces were inspiring: it became clear that these four walls could be filled with entirely different energies and artistic personalities, while the time given and the goals were similar for everyone. To evolve, to grow, to establish roots, to break through to the market, but stay creative and true to ourselves.
Enjoy ON AIRS – the very private studio visits, capturing that one moment in time when each of us was an AIR.
Tags: air, art, artresidency, gentryfication, housing, juliasokolnicka, onairs, paulstumpel, precariat, socialhousing, veraduvenvoorden
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