Julia Sokolnicka
Blog Photography Film
Posts Tagged ‘documentary’
Digital Nomads in Vensterbank Leiden
piątek, 20 września, 2019
I was invited to be a part of a group show focusing on video works. My work will be a part of Two Thousand Eighty Four exhibition in Vensterbank Leiden, across from Leiden Centraal train station. It’s an artist run art space located in a former Chinese restaurant.
Participating artists:
Johanna Talja
Julia Sokolnicka
Maurice de Rooij
Norbi Kovacs
Tim de Gier
Twentyfivenineteen (artist duo Michelle de Vaan & Ilke van Deventer)
It’s a real pleasure to dive again into the Digital Nomads archive and revisit the old and add the new threads from this gigantic treasury of interviews, lifestyles, philosophies and communal paths.
This time I will show a different mix every day, so prepare for surprises.
The exhibition takes place on the weekends of September 22/22 and 28/29 2019.
Here the Facebook Event:
The show is curated by Karl Karlas.
Here an interview with me on the Vensterbank website.
Julia Sokolnicka
Here a picture of me by Jan Tomza-Osiecki, just when I’m browsing through the Digital Nomads Terabytes in my Amsterdam studio.
Tags: art, artspace, communities, digital nomads, digitalnomads, documentary, experimentavideo, film, juliasokolnicka, karlkarlas, leiden, marissakarlas, show, vensterbank, videoart
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Digital Nomads in Riga’s Contemporary Art Center until November 28
poniedziałek, 23 października, 2017
I have been invited to a truly great festival which title and list of topics was exactly in the thread of the research I’m doing for my project DIGITAL NOMADS.
It was very exciting to go to Riga and listen to all the key speakers, i must say that the format of conference/exhibition was exactly my thing. I hope to return to this amazing festival and definitely I will return to Riga (loved it!).
VIRTUALITIES AND REALITIES is the theme of this year’s RIXC Art Science festival in Riga, Latvia, that aims to establish a space for artistic interventions and conversations about the complex implications of immersive technologies.
RIXC Festival is internationally renowned gathering for artists and scholars working at the intersection of arts, digital humanities and science. This year’s festival programme features Public Keynotes, the 2nd Open Fields Conference, Exhibitions, Performances and AR/VR Showcases.
The main festival events will take place from October 19–21, 2017, in some of Riga’s most visible art venues – the Conference will take place in the Art Academy of Latvia, and the Latvian National Museum of Art, while the exhibitions – in kim? Contemporary Art Centre and RIXC Gallery spaces.
October 19 – November 28, 2017
Venue: Arts Academy of Latvia, National Arts Museum, kim? and RIXC Gallery, Riga
The main festival exhibition will feature the most innovative artworks that experiment with augmented and virtual reality, create immersive environments, and explore complex relations between the “virtualities” and “realities” of our post-media society with its networked communities and migrating cultures.
VIRTUALITIES AND REALITIES exhibition artists: Marc LEE (Switzerland), Jacques PERCONTE (France), Juuke SCHOORL (the Netherlands), Brenna MURPHY (USA), Hans BREDER (USA), Clement VALLA (USA), Matteo ZAMAGNI (United Kingdom), Zane ZELMENE (Latvia), The Swan Collective (Germany), Annie BERMAN (USA), Felipe CUCKER and Hector RODRIGUEZ (Hong Kong), Gunta DOMBROVSKA (Latvia), Martin John CALLANAN (United Kingdom), Nina FISCHER and Maroan EL SANI (Germany), Santa FRANCE (Latvia), Greta HAUER (United Kingdom), Martin HESSELMEIER and Andreas MUXEL (Germany), Raphael KIM (United Kingdom), Michal KINDERNAY (Czech Republic), Christopher MANZIONE and Seth CLUETT (USA), Andrew MCWILLIAMS (USA), Melodie MOUSSET and Naem BARON (Switzerland), Martin REICHE (Germany), Hanns Holger RUTZ (Austria), Julia SOKOLNICKA (Poland/the Netherlands), Danielle ZORBAS (Australia).
Curator: Raitis SMITS / RIXC
Tags: artistic research, digital nomads, documentary, exhibition, Julia Sokolnicka, kim? contemporary art center, research, riga, Rixc, video art, video instalation, virtualities and realities
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